Local Solar System Foundation
Ethical Framework
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Fair and honest relations with grantees
The way we deal with our grantees shall be characterized by honesty, respect, fairness and integrity. The Foundation shall comply with the laws and regulations in all jurisdictions where it conducts its activities. We shall not offer or accept, from existing and potential grantees, any rewards or benefits that violate any applicable laws or this Ethical Framework.
We will make our grantees, as well as those with whom we do business, aware of our Ethical Framework and our values.
Any type of corruption is contradictory to the objective of our work and our activities. We have zero tolerance for negative actions.
Conflicts of interest
Identifying situations in which a conflict of interest may occur is key. All Members of the Local Solar System Foundation shall abide by the following Conflict of Interest Policy.
Within the Local Solar System Foundation, we shall always make decisions based on what is in the best interest of the Foundation, its objective and the initiatives promoted. Decisions shall never be based on personal considerations or relationships. A conflict of interest arises when anything interferes with or influences a Member’s independent judgement about what is in the best interest of the Foundation. We must avoid situations in which our personal interests conflict with the interests of the Foundation.
Determining whether there is a conflict of interest is sometimes difficult. If in doubt, always be transparent and ask your manager. Any clear conflicts of interest must be reported immediately to your manager. Following are some types of situations of which we must particularly be aware:
Board memberships
Any service on a board of directors or similar body of any enterprise or institution is not permitted if it creates a conflict of interest. All outside professional service must be approved by your immediate manager and the manager’s manager.
Gifts or benefits
No Member may offer or accept gifts or benefits, to or from a third party, that would constitute a violation of this Ethical Framework or relevant laws. This also applies to any situation that could affect a Member’s professional judgment regarding performance of the respective work or duties for the Foundation or a third party.
Business opportunities
None of us may take, for ourselves, business opportunities which may arise throughout the course of our duties for the Local Solar System Foundation if doing so could be contrary to the interests of the Foundation. Nor may any of us use Foundation property or information for any type of personal gain. If in doubt, always ask your manager.
Funding opportunities
None of us may arrange or promote funding opportunities that benefit ourselves or members of our immediate families.
Other employment
Any employment outside of the Foundation, with or without compensation, must not influence a Member’s job performance. We may not engage in outside activities that divert time and attention away from our personal work responsibilities or that require work during company time.
Situations that require attention
The acceptance of modest gifts, hospitality and events may be a legitimate contribution to the building of good relationships. In such instances, these gifts should be limited to items of little commercial value. All gifts and hospitality of higher commercial value shall be reported to your manager. If in doubt, always ask your manager. We may not, directly or indirectly, demand or accept, offer or give any kind of bribe, unauthorized loan or any other unlawful or unethical benefit when performing our duties for the Foundation.
Personal relationships – All of us working at the Foundation must be observant of any conflict of interest if a family member, relative or close friend is involved. This is applicable within the Foundation as well as all other relations.
Political neutrality
The Local Solar System Foundation observes neutrality with regard to political parties and candidates. Neither the name nor the assets of the Local Solar System Foundation shall be used to promote or discredit the interests of political parties or candidates. That includes religious neutrality, The Foundation observes neutrality with regards to religious opinions. Neither the name nor the assets of the Foundation shall be used to promote or advance a religious standpoint.
No form of harassment is tolerated within the Local Solar System Foundation. This includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, any form of discrimination, sexual harassment, racism and other forms of bullying, as well as acts or threats of violence. The Foundation will act swiftly and effectively against any type of harassment against any member, with any legal provisions and tools available for this purpose.
No forced labor or child labor
No form of forced, compulsory or any related child labor is tolerated.
We do not tolerate misconduct. We want all our stakeholders, including our partners and their employees, to feel encouraged and empowered to come forward and raise any concerns they might have relating to misconduct.
If you suspect any misconduct in our own activities or the activities we fund, we ask you to please come forward, in good faith, to raise your concerns. We will treat the matter in the strictest confidence and protect the identities of the people involved.
How can I raise a concern about misconduct?
The Local Solar System Foundation has set up a confidential email to enable people, both within and outside our organization, to report any concerns they have about misconduct. Our main priority is to hear these concerns so that we can identify and appropriately address any serious issue.
You can approach us confidentially at amisconduct@localsolarsytem.com. This confidential reporting tool meets all data protection regulations.
We will not tolerate negative effects or repercussions if you raise a concern in good faith, and you will not be put at a disadvantage.
Alcohol and drug abuse
We do not tolerate alcohol abuse or the use or distribution of illegal drugs on the Foundation premises. No one may work under the influence of alcohol or any substance that prevents him or her from safely and effectively performing work duties.
Right of association
We at the Local Solar System Foundation respect the right to freedom of association and preference within the institutional and recognized co-Member associations. We respect co-Members’ rights to join, form or not join a co-Member association of her or his choice without fear of reprisal, interference, intimidation or harassment.