Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

Article | Open Access | Published: 19 February 2018

Light pollution is greatest within migration passage areas for nocturnally-migrating birds around the world

Sergio A. Cabrera-Cruz, Jaclyn A. Smolinsky & Jeffrey J. Buler

Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 3261 (2018) | Download Citation / Article metrics


Excessive or misdirected artificial light at night (ALAN) produces light pollution that influences several aspects of the biology and ecology of birds, including disruption of circadian rhythms and disorientation during flight. Many migrating birds traverse large expanses of land twice every year at night when ALAN illuminates the sky. Considering the extensive and increasing encroachment of light pollution around the world, we evaluated the association of the annual mean ALAN intensity over land within the geographic ranges of 298 nocturnally migrating bird species with five factors: phase of annual cycle, mean distance between breeding and non-breeding ranges, range size, global hemisphere of range, and IUCN category of conservation concern. Light pollution within geographic ranges was relatively greater during the migration season, for shorter-distance migrants, for species with smaller ranges, and for species in the western hemisphere. Our results suggest that migratory birds may be subject to the effects of light pollution particularly during migration, the most critical stage in their annual cycle. We hope these results will spur further research on how light pollution affects not only migrating birds, but also other highly mobile animals throughout their annual cycle.

Article | Open Access | Published: 02 June 2015

GPS tracking for mapping seabird mortality induced by light pollution

Airam Rodríguez, Beneharo Rodríguez & Juan J. Negro

Scientific Reports volume5, Article number: 10670 (2015) | Download Citation


Light pollution and its consequences on ecosystems are increasing worldwide. Knowledge on the threshold levels of light pollution at which significant ecological impacts emerge and the size of dark refuges to maintain natural nocturnal processes is crucial to mitigate its negative consequences. Seabird fledglings are attracted by artificial lights when they leave their nest at night, causing high mortality. We used GPS data-loggers to track the flights of Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea fledglings from nest-burrows to ground, and to evaluate the light pollution levels of overflown areas on Tenerife, Canary Islands, using nocturnal, high-resolution satellite imagery. Birds were grounded at locations closer than 16 km from colonies in their maiden flights, and 50% were rescued within a 3 km radius from the nest-site. Most birds left the nests in the first three hours after sunset. Rescue locations showed radiance values greater than colonies, and flight distance was positively related to light pollution levels. Breeding habitat alteration by light pollution was more severe for inland colonies. We provide scientific-based information to manage dark refuges facilitating that fledglings from inland colonies reach the sea successfully. We also offer methodological approaches useful for other critically threatened petrel species grounded by light pollution.

Article | Open Access | Published: 10 February 2017

The spectral and spatial distribution of light pollution in the waters of the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat)

Raz Tamir, Amit Lerner, Carynelisa Haspel, Zvy Dubinsky & David Iluz

Scientific Reports volume7, Article number: 42329 (2017) | Download Citation


The urbanization of the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba has exposed the marine environment there, including unique fringing coral reefs, to strong anthropogenic light sources. Here we present the first in situ measurements of artificial nighttime light under water in such an ecosystem, with irradiance measured in 12 wavelength bands, at 19 measurement stations spread over 44 square km, and at 30 depths down to 30-m depth. At 1-m depth, we find downwelling irradiance values that vary from 4.6 × 10−4 μW cm−2 nm−1 500 m from the city to 1 × 10−6 μW cm−2 nm−1 in the center of the gulf (9.5 km from the city) in the yellow channel (589-nm wavelength) and from 1.3 × 10−4 μW cm−2 nm−1 to 4.3 × 10−5 μW cm−2 nm−1 in the blue channel (443-nm wavelength). Down to 10-m depth, we find downwelling irradiance values that vary from 1 × 10−6 μW cm−2 nm−1 to 4.6 × 10−4 μW cm−2 nm−1 in the yellow channel and from 2.6 × 10−5 μW cm−2 nm−1 to 1.3 × 10−4 μW cm−2 nm−1 in the blue channel, and we even detected a signal at 30-m depth. This irradiance could influence such biological processes as the tuning of circadian clocks, the synchronization of coral spawning, recruitment and competition, vertical migration of demersal plankton, feeding patterns, and prey/predator visual interactions.

Article | Open Access | Published: 04 February 2019

Using all-sky differential photometry to investigate how nocturnal clouds darken the night sky in rural areas

Andreas Jechow, Franz Hölker & Christopher C. M. Kyba

Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 1391 (2019) Cite this article


Artificial light at night has affected most of the natural nocturnal landscapes worldwide and the subsequent light pollution has diverse effects on flora, fauna and human well-being. To evaluate the environmental impacts of light pollution, it is crucial to understand both the natural and artificial components of light at night under all weather conditions. The night sky brightness for clear skies is relatively well understood and a reference point for a lower limit is defined. However, no such reference point exists for cloudy skies. While some studies have examined the brightening of the night sky by clouds in urban areas, the published data on the (natural) darkening by clouds is very sparse. Knowledge of reference points for the illumination of natural nocturnal environments however, is essential for experimental design and ecological modeling to assess the impacts of light pollution. Here we use differential all-sky photometry with a commercial digital camera to investigate how clouds darken sky brightness at two rural sites. The spatially resolved data enables us to identify and study the nearly unpolluted parts of the sky and to set an upper limit on ground illumination for overcast nights at sites without light pollution.

Article | Open Access | Published: 04 September 2015

Light pollution disrupts sleep in free-living animals

Thomas Raap, Rianne Pinxten & Marcel Eens

Scientific Reports volume5, Article number: 13557 (2015) | Download Citation


Artificial lighting can alter individual behaviour, with often drastic and potentially negative effects on biological rhythms, daily activity and reproduction. Whether this is caused by a disruption of sleep, an important widespread behaviour enabling animals to recover from daily stress, is unclear. We tested the hypothesis that light pollution disrupts sleep by recording individual sleep behaviour of great tits, Parus major, that were roosting in dark nest-boxes and were exposed to light-emitting diode light the following night. Their behaviour was compared to that of control birds sleeping in dark nest-boxes on both nights. Artificial lighting caused experimental birds to wake up earlier, sleep less (–5%) and spent less time in the nest-box as they left their nest-box earlier in the morning. Experimental birds did not enter the nest-box or fall asleep later than controls. Although individuals in lit nest-boxes did not wake up more often nor decreased the length of their sleep bouts, females spent a greater proportion of the night awake. Our study provides the first direct proof that light pollution has a significant impact on sleep in free-living animals, in particular in the morning, and highlights a mechanism for potential effects of light pollution on fitness.

Article | Open Access | Published: 05 June 2017

Ambient anthropogenic noise but not light is associated with the ecophysiology of free-living songbird nestlings

Thomas Raap, Rianne Pinxten, Giulia Casasole, Nina Dehnhard & Marcel Eens

Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 2754 (2017) Cite this article


Urbanization is associated with dramatic increases in noise and light pollution, which affect animal behaviour, physiology and fitness. However, few studies have examined these stressors simultaneously. Moreover, effects of urbanization during early-life may be detrimental but are largely unknown. In developing great tits (Parus major), a frequently-used model species, we determined important indicators of immunity and physiological condition: plasma haptoglobin (Hp) and nitric oxide (NOx) concentration. We also determined fledging mass, an indicator for current health and survival. Associations of ambient noise and light exposure with these indicators were studied. Anthropogenic noise, light and their interaction were unrelated to fledging mass. Nestlings exposed to more noise showed higher plasma levels of Hp but not of NOx. Light was unrelated to Hp and NOx and did not interact with the effect of noise on nestlings’ physiology. Increasing levels of Hp are potentially energy demanding and trade-offs could occur with life-history traits, such as survival. Effects of light pollution on nestlings of a cavity-nesting species appear to be limited. Nonetheless, our results suggest that the urban environment, through noise exposure, may entail important physiological costs for developing organisms.

Article | Open Access | Published: 07 June 2016

Variation of outdoor illumination as a function of solar elevation and light pollution

Manuel Spitschan, Geoffrey K. Aguirre, David H. Brainard & Alison M. Sweeney

Scientific Reports volume6, Article number: 26756 (2016) | Download Citation


The illumination of the environment undergoes both intensity and spectral changes during the 24 h cycle of a day. Daylight spectral power distributions are well described by low-dimensional models such as the CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) daylight model, but the performance of this model in non-daylight regimes is not characterised. We measured downwelling spectral irradiance across multiple days in two locations in North America: One rural location (Cherry Springs State Park, PA) with minimal anthropogenic light sources, and one city location (Philadelphia, PA). We characterise the spectral, intensity and colour changes and extend the existing CIE model for daylight to capture twilight components and the spectrum of the night sky.

Article | Open Access | Published: 21 January 2014

Contrasting trends in light pollution across Europe based on satellite observed night time lights

Jonathan Bennie, Thomas W. Davies, James P. Duffy, Richard Inger & Kevin J. Gaston

Scientific Reports volume4, Article number: 3789 (2014) | Download Citation


Since the 1970s nighttime satellite images of the Earth from space have provided a striking illustration of the extent of artificial light. Meanwhile, growing awareness of adverse impacts of artificial light at night on scientific astronomy, human health, ecological processes and aesthetic enjoyment of the night sky has led to recognition of light pollution as a significant global environmental issue. Links between economic activity, population growth and artificial light are well documented in rapidly developing regions. Applying a novel method to analysis of satellite images of European nighttime lights over 15 years, we show that while the continental trend is towards increasing brightness, some economically developed regions show more complex patterns with large areas decreasing in observed brightness over this period. This highlights that opportunities exist to constrain and even reduce the environmental impact of artificial light pollution while delivering cost and energy-saving benefits.

Article | Open Access | Published: 06 March 2013

Bright light exposure reduces TH-positive dopamine neurons: implications of light pollution in Parkinson’s disease epidemiology

Stefania Romeo, Cristina Viaggi, Daniela Di Camillo, Allison W. Willis, Luca Lozzi, Cristina Rocchi, Marta Capannolo, Gabriella Aloisi, Francesca Vaglini, Rita Maccarone, Matteo Caleo, Cristina Missale, Brad A. Racette, Giovanni U. Corsini & Roberto Maggio

Scientific Reports volume3, Article number: 1395 (2013) | Download Citation


This study explores the effect of continuous exposure to bright light on neuromelanin formation and dopamine neuron survival in the substantia nigra. Twenty-one days after birth, Sprague–Dawley albino rats were divided into groups and raised under different conditions of light exposure. At the end of the irradiation period, rats were sacrificed and assayed for neuromelanin formation and number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons in the substantia nigra. The rats exposed to bright light for 20 days or 90 days showed a relatively greater number of neuromelanin-positive neurons. Surprisingly, TH-positive neurons decreased progressively in the substantia nigra reaching a significant 29% reduction after 90 days of continuous bright light exposure. This decrease was paralleled by a diminution of dopamine and its metabolite in the striatum. Remarkably, in preliminary analysis that accounted for population density, the age and race adjusted Parkinson’s disease prevalence significantly correlated with average satellite-observed sky light pollution.

Article | Open Access | Published: 27 July 2017

Imaging and mapping the impact of clouds on skyglow with all-sky photometry

Andreas Jechow, Zoltán Kolláth, Salvador J. Ribas, Henk Spoelstra, Franz Hölker & Christopher C. M. Kyba

Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 6741 (2017) Cite this article


Artificial skyglow is constantly growing on a global scale, with potential ecological consequences ranging up to affecting biodiversity. To understand these consequences, worldwide mapping of skyglow for all weather conditions is urgently required. In particular, the amplification of skyglow by clouds needs to be studied, as clouds can extend the reach of skyglow into remote areas not affected by light pollution on clear nights. Here we use commercial digital single lens reflex cameras with fisheye lenses for all-sky photometry. We track the reach of skyglow from a peri-urban into a remote area on a clear and a partly cloudy night by performing transects from the Spanish town of Balaguer towards Montsec Astronomical Park. From one single all-sky image, we extract zenith luminance, horizontal and scalar illuminance. While zenith luminance reaches near-natural levels at 5 km distance from the town on the clear night, similar levels are only reached at 27 km on the partly cloudy night. Our results show the dramatic increase of the reach of skyglow even for moderate cloud coverage at this site. The powerful and easy-to-use method promises to be widely applicable for studies of ecological light pollution on a global scale also by non-specialists in photometry.

Article | Open Access | Published: 16 May 2013

Citizen Science Provides Valuable Data for Monitoring Global Night Sky Luminance

Christopher C. M. Kyba, Janna M. Wagner, Helga U. Kuechly, Constance E. Walker, Christopher D. Elvidge, Fabio Falchi, Thomas Ruhtz, Jürgen Fischer & Franz Hölker

Scientific Reports volume3, Article number: 1835 (2013) | Download Citation


The skyglow produced by artificial lights at night is one of the most dramatic anthropogenic modifications of Earth’s biosphere. The GLOBE at Night citizen science project allows individual observers to quantify skyglow using star maps showing different levels of light pollution. We show that aggregated GLOBE at Night data depend strongly on artificial skyglow, and could be used to track lighting changes worldwide. Naked eye time series can be expected to be very stable, due to the slow pace of human eye evolution. The standard deviation of an individual GLOBE at Night observation is found to be 1.2 stellar magnitudes. Zenith skyglow estimates from the “First World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness” are tested using a subset of the GLOBE at Night data. Although we find the World Atlas overestimates sky brightness in the very center of large cities, its predictions for Milky Way visibility are accurate.

Article | Open Access | Published: 24 April 2013

Artificial light alters natural regimes of night-time sky brightness

Thomas W. Davies, Jonathan Bennie, Richard Inger & Kevin J. Gaston

Scientific Reports volume3, Article number: 1722 (2013) | Download Citation


Artificial light is globally one of the most widely distributed forms of anthropogenic pollution. However, while both the nature and ecological effects of direct artificial lighting are increasingly well documented, those of artificial sky glow have received little attention. We investigated how city lights alter natural regimes of lunar sky brightness using a novel ten month time series of measurements recorded across a gradient of increasing light pollution. In the city, artificial lights increased sky brightness to levels six times above those recorded in rural locations, nine and twenty kilometers away. Artificial lighting masked natural monthly and seasonal regimes of lunar sky brightness in the city, and increased the number and annual regime of full moon equivalent hours available to organisms during the night. The changes have potentially profound ecological consequences.

Article | Open Access | Published: 30 July 2019

Artificial Light at Night Promotes Activity Throughout the Night in Nesting Common Swifts (Apus apus)

Eran Amichai & Noga Kronfeld-Schor

Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 11052 (2019) Cite this article


The use of artificial light at night (ALAN) is a rapidly expanding anthropogenic effect that transforms nightscapes throughout the world, causing light pollution that affects ecosystems in a myriad of ways. One of these is changing or shifting activity rhythms, largely synchronized by light cues. We used acoustic loggers to record and quantify activity patterns during the night of a diurnal bird – the common swift – in a nesting colony exposed to extremely intensive artificial illumination throughout the night at Jerusalem’s Western Wall. We compared that to activity patterns at three other colonies exposed to none, medium, or medium-high ALAN. We found that in the lower-intensity ALAN colonies swifts ceased activity around sunset, later the more intense the lighting. At the Western Wall, however, swifts remained active throughout the night. This may have important implications for the birds’ physiology, breeding cycle, and fitness, and may have cascading effects on their ecosystems.

Article | Open Access | Published: 29 January 2014

Parkinson’s Disease, Lights and Melanocytes: Looking Beyond the Retina

Gregory L. Willis, Cleo Moore & Stuart Maxwell Armstrong

Scientific Reports volume4, Article number: 3921 (2014) | Download Citation


Critical analysis of recent research suggesting that light pollution causes Parkinson’s disease (PD) reveals that such a hypothesis is unsustainable in the context of therapeutic use of light in treating various neuropsychiatric conditions. Reinterpretation of their findings suggests that retinal damage caused by prolonged light exposure may have contributed to the observed enhancement of experimental PD. To test this hypothesis further, forty-two Sprague Dawley rats received microinjections of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2, 4, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), paraquat or rotenone into the vitreal mass in doses so minute that the effects could not be attributed to diffusion into brain. Significant changes in five motor parameters consistent with symptoms of experimental PD were observed. These findings support the interpretation that the retina is involved in the control of motor function and in the aetiology of PD.

Article | Open Access | Published: 25 July 2019

White LED Light Exposure Inhibits the Development and Xanthophore Pigmentation of Zebrafish Embryo

Ünsal Veli Üstündağ, E. Çalıskan-Ak, Perihan Seda Ateş, İsmail Ünal, Gizem Eğilmezer, Türkan Yiğitbaşı, A. Ata Alturfan & Ebru Emekli-Alturfan

Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 10810 (2019) Cite this article


Circadian rhythm in all living organisms is disturbed continuously by artificial light sources and artificial lighting has become a hazard for public health. Circadian rhythm of melatonin maintains high levels of melatonin during the night and low levels during the day. N-acetyltransferase (arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, AANAT) is one of the four enzymes required for melatonin synthesis and mtnr1ba is a melatonin receptor-encoding mRNA that is expressed widely in the embryonic brain. Pax7 has important roles during neural crest development and especially xanthophore pigmentation. Due to its diurnal nature, zebrafish provide a special opportunity for research on circadian rhythms that are regulated by melatonin. Here in this study, we showed that when compared with the white light control group, white LED light exposure resulted in loss of yellow pigmentation, decreased body length and locomotor activity, oxidant-antioxidant imbalance and decreased expressions of aanat2, mtnr1ba, and pax7 in zebrafish embryos. Histological analysis of this group revealed disorganization of the spaces among photoreceptor cells, decreased total retinal thickness and photoreceptor cell layer thickness compared with the control group. Artificial lighting pollution has the potential to become an important risk factor for different diseases including cancer especially for industrialized countries, therefore, more studies should be performed and necessary regulations should be made regarding this risk factor.

Article | Open Access | Published: 24 November 2016

Cycles of circadian illuminance are sufficient to entrain and maintain circadian locomotor rhythms in Drosophila

Eunjoo Cho, Ji Hye Oh, Euna Lee, Young Rag Do & Eun Young Kim

Scientific Reports volume6, Article number: 37784 (2016) | Download Citation


Light at night disrupts the circadian clock and causes serious health problems in the modern world. Here, we show that newly developed four-package light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can provide harmless lighting at night. To quantify the effects of light on the circadian clock, we employed the concept of circadian illuminance (CIL). CIL represents the amount of light weighted toward the wavelengths to which the circadian clock is most sensitive, whereas visual illuminance (VIL) represents the total amount of visible light. Exposure to 12 h:12 h cycles of white LED light with high and low CIL values but a constant VIL value (conditions hereafter referred to as CH/CL) can entrain behavioral and molecular circadian rhythms in flies. Moreover, flies re-entrain to phase shift in the CH/CL cycle. Core-clock proteins are required for the rhythmic behaviors seen with this LED lighting scheme. Taken together, this study provides a guide for designing healthful white LED lights for use at night, and proposes the use of the CIL value for estimating the harmful effects of any light source on organismal health.

Article | Open Access | Published: 17 May 2019

Several biological benefits of the low color temperature light-emitting diodes based normal indoor lighting source

Jiaqi Lin, Xingwei Ding, Can Hong, Yulian Pang, Liming Chen, Quanwen Liu, Xu Zhang, Hongbo Xin & Xiaolei Wang

Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 7560 (2019) Cite this article


Currently, light pollution has become a nonnegligible issue in our daily life. Artificial light sources with high color temperature were deem to be the major pollution source, which could induce several adverse effects on human’s health. In our previous research, we have firstly developed an artificial indoor light with low color temperature (1900 K). However, the biological effects of this artificial light on human’s health are unclear. Here, four artificial lights (1900 K, 3000 K, 4000 K and 6600 K) were used to evaluate some biological changes in both human (in total 152 person-times) and murine models. Compared with other three high color temperature artificial lights, our lights (1900 K) presented a positive effect on promoting the secreting of melatonin and glutamate, protecting human’s eyes, accelerating would healing and hair regeneration. These systematical studies indicated that the proposed low color temperature (1900 K) light could provide several significant benefits in human’s daily life.

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