Protection of Assets and Confidential Information

Local Solar System Foundation



Protection of

assets and confidential


The Foundation has significant assets, the most valuable of which is our co-Members. The Foundation also has a wide variety of other assets, such as Funds, Vehicles, Confidential Information, Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights. We are all responsible for protecting the Foundation’s assets and must report any loss to our nearest manager.

In the case of confidential information, the foundation shall protect all information to the extent possible by engaging legally and prosecuting any violations with regards to reserved or confidential information to the fullest extent of the law.

Proper use of assets

Our office equipment, PBX, IT systems and software shall be used only for conducting Local Solar System Foundation activities. Other uses or other related purposes can be authorized by the relevant manager or by directives or local rules.

Use of funds

All of us at the Local Solar System Foundation and those acting on the Foundation’s behalf shall strive to perform our activities in such a way that funds are not exposed to misuse but are, instead, used efficiently, effectively, responsibly and prudently.

Protect intellectual property

Co-Members must follow and, in cases of doubt, always seek instructions on how to use and protect this intellectual property.

As a consequence of using the Local Solar System logo, any potential reputation risk on the Local Solar System brand must be considered in all our activities and actions. Intellectual property created by co-Members is transferred and assigned to the Local Solar System Foundation by law and/or the co-Member’s employment agreement.

Confidential information

Any Local Solar System Foundation co-Member who has access to confidential information owned by the Local Solar System Foundation or its related entities, as well as information owned by third parties, shall safeguard this information at all times. Any unauthorized disclosure may harm the Foundation or third parties engaged in a relationship with it. Such information may be financial information, business plans, technical information, information about co-Members and/or grantees and partners, grants or programmes, and other types of sensitive knowledge.

Everyone who is working at the Foundation and who has access to such assets or confidential information must act in accordance with its service agreement, the employment agreement, relevant laws and/or the Foundation’s policies and rules.


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